
Weight Loss & Hair Loss Is There A Link?

Weight Loss & Hair Loss Is There A Link?

No matter what manner people use to lose weight, the more weight they lose, the more likely they are to go through some temporary hair loss.

The condition is usually resolved when the person stops losing weight and evenly increases calorie intake by going on to a nutritionally balanced diet.

Weight loss occurs for different types of reasons, varying from unhealthy eating and poor nutrition to diseases and aging. When you lose weight without trying and begin to lose hair as well, you may be at risk for a serious medical condition.

People suffering from eating disorders often find ways to hide their weight and hair loss and refusal to eat. Drug addiction and alcoholism are other conditions that can lead to unexplained weight loss and thin hair.

Hyperthyroidism is a disease that results in extreme weight loss, even when the patient eats plenty of calories. When cancer cells rage through the body, not planned and unexplained weight loss can occur. Fungal infections and other immune-compromising illnesses can result in alopecia, or hair loss and a sudden drop in weight.

Intrinsic conditions such as lupus, endocrine disorders, food intolerances and digestive disorders can conclude to the two symptoms. Sometimes doctors can diagnose the cause of hair loss by examining the pattern of baldness and taking a family history. Blood tests, hair sample tests, and biopsies can help doctors determine infections and other system-wide diseases.

Close monitoring and honest discussion with a physician can reveal behaviors or thought processes that lead to weight and hair loss. Family members, caregivers, and healthcare professionals must monitor others for sudden weight loss and thinning hair when they suspect mental illness or self-inflicted harm.

A restless schedule can cause you to lose weight, and you may not even realize it. Skipping meals and eating on the go can lead to a radical decrease in the number of calories your body gets. A lack of proper nutrition in combination with uniformly being on the run or intensive participation in exercise can lead to unexplained weight loss.

Other conditions that can advance weight loss without trying include cancer, infections, taking over-the-counter medications or prescription medications, neurological illnesses, kidney disease and changes in your mental health. If excessive weight loss is a concern, talk to a doctor about possible causes and treatments.

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